Each recipe includes its related aafco nutrient profile when available on the product s official webpage.
Acana dog food red meat formula.
Acana feast formula a.
Acana uses natural ingredients in all of their dog food formulas.
Growth maintenance all life stages supplemental or unspecified.
Acana red meat is loaded with ranch raised beef yorkshire pork and grass fed lamb in wholeprey ratios of meat organs and cartilage that deliver the nutrients that your dog requires naturally.
Orijen dog food formulas have between 38 and 42 percent protein while acana dog food formulas contain protein levels in the 27 to 34 percent range.
America s best and freshest ingredients.
They use locally sourced ingredients and never include undesirable ingredients like by product meats wheat corn or soy there s always a high quality meat protein listed as the first ingredient.
Acana paleo formula a.
Acana red meat is loaded with ranch raised beef yorkshire pork and grass fed lamb in wholeprey ratios of meat organs and cartilage that deliver the nutrients that your dog requires naturally.
Acana red meat features a rich variety of quality ingredients that are raised or fished by people we know and trust and delivered to our kentucky dogstar kitchen fresh or raw.
The acana product line includes the 7 dry dog foods listed below.
Acana red meat formula dog food features delicious ingredients like ranch raised beef yorkshire pork and grass fed lamb all sourced from trusted farms and ranches in kentucky and pennsylvania.
Among the healthiest grains on earth oats and sorghum are high in fiber and gluten free making them a wholesome nutrient dense addition to your dog s diet.
Acana red meat dog food is nutrient dense and high in protein nourishing dogs completely with whole ranch raised beef yorkshire pork and grass fed lamb with rich inclusions of quality animal ingredients acana dog food uses meat organs cartilage and bone delivering the nutrients dogs need naturally.
Acana red meat wholesome grains complements protein rich animal ingredients with farm grown grains supporting a healthy digestive environment and peak functionality to keep your dog.
These red meats will nourish your dog exactly like mother nature intended with tons of animal protein and fat that every carnivore requires.
Your dog has evolved as a meat eater anatomically designed for a diet that is rich and varied in whole animal ingredients.
When it comes to the ingredients acana doesn t cut corners.
Among the healthiest grains on earth oats and sorghum are high in fiber and gluten free making them a nutritious and delicious addition to your dog s diet.
Acana red meat wholesome grains complements protein rich ranch raised beef yorkshire pork and grass fed lamb with farm fresh grains supporting peak health to keep your dog happy strong and thriving.
Orijen has a higher meat protein content than acana.
Deboned beef deboned pork beef meal whole red lentils whole pinto beans whole green peas pork meal beef fat whole green lentils whole chickpeas whole yellow peas.
Your dog has evolved as a meat eater anatomically designed for a diet that is rich and varied in whole animal ingredients.